

“From a seedling dream to a full-fledged organization, Shay is building a beautiful recovery space for female-identified people. She leads with heart and intentionality while collaborating with holistic practitioners to create a healing space for participants. I have grown and benefitted from each Infinite Paths gathering I have attended.” —SS

“Infinite paths has offered me so many amazing opportunities to connect with other sober women while doing fun and grounding activities. I try to go to every event possible. Shani is a deeply kind and magical facilitator whom I love and admire.” —KZ

Yoga Retreat

Vision Board Workshop

“These events have provided safe and healing spaces to fellowship with other women in recovery. Deep sharing, self-care, loving community in beautiful and healing environments leave me feeling heard, unburdened and free.” —KH

“I have been lucky enough to attend a number of Infinite Paths events this year. Shay does such a fabulous job bringing together women in recovery and offering them safe and caring spaces to work on their recovery. This is a truly unique organization that plays a much needed role in supporting women's health. One of a kind and I’m so grateful to Shay and Infinite Paths.” —MM

“Shani is inspiring, caring and loving. Her organization makes it possible for women to meet and relate to one another while enjoying life together in recovery. Thank you Shani for making Infinite Paths possible.” —RC

“Infinite Paths event in the east bay was amazing! I felt welcomed and the hike was amazing! I look forward to some hikes in the coming years! Thankful for a group of sober women who are fun to be around. Sharing our stories and making connections and most importantly having fun! I am happy that this group was created!” —GA

Camping Trip 2023